Monday, June 30, 2008

Fun times at the Post Office

So, had to go to the Post Office today to drop off a letter to the local Union stating that I oppose fees taken out of my check to cover certain expenditures, such as lobbying. The closest Post Office to my work is in a federal courthouse, which means going through security, presenting i.d., putting metal objects through the x-ray and stating my business. A mere annoyance.

The Post Office is in the basement of the federal courthouse, and after walking through a labyrinth, I find the Post Office. The first thing I see as I approach the double doors is a sign that says "No Stamps." Yes, a Post Office that is out of stamps. A portent of things to come.

I get in line and wait, and wait, and wait. Let's say the Post Office worker was deliberate, very deliberate. He has a bald spot on the top of his head, glasses, and a beard that is reminiscent of former Surgeon General C. Everett Coop- a sculptured beard and is long enough to be combed into a slight curl. So, I'm waiting, and waiting, and notice that not only is he deliberate, not only is he slow, but he also has a habit of sticking his tongue out, rather, slipping his tongue would be more accurate. He moves stiffly as he pokes at the computer in front of him all the while every 3 or 4 seconds slipping his tongue out like a snake. It's obvious that it's one of those involuntary habits or tics, but it's gross and annoying. I would say unbecoming a federal employee, but then I remember a) he works for the Post Office and b) I lived in D.C. and know about federal employees.

So, after about 15 minutes, I was the 3rd in line when I got there, I step up to the desk and get out of there rather scot free in 5 minutes. But all I can think about his this guy slipping his tongue out, over and over and over. Hopefully my letter made it out today.

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