Thursday, April 24, 2008

What a surprise

A short break from my recounting of our Spain/Portugal trip to report on a recent finding of mine. Today, I joined a colleague in taking a jaunt to a local delicatessen and to just take a walk outside. We get to said deli and look in the cooler as my colleague is purchasing a beverage, and what do I happen to see in the cooler???

Big Red!

Ohhh Big Red, how many bottles did I drink in college of your lovely bubblegum-ish, syrupy flavor. I don't care that you claim on your label "Made with Vanilla!" because I can't taste it. I just get the lovely red cream soda, bubblegum flavor. Ohhh, the numerous $.69 2 liters we would buy when we were broke college students. And how upon leaving college, I would vainly search for you in the various supermarkets and corner stores of places I would visit. Once, I even found one of your other flavors, Big Peach, at a truck stop in Bristol, Tennessee- OOOOOOH what a joyous day that was.

So, I want to thank you for making it to San Francisco, and to the owner of the deli for sagely stocking it in your cooler; you have yourself a fan.

I wonder if destiny played a role in this today, since today I also had a
Moon Pie; I know, and to borrow a phrase, how terribly southern of me.

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