Friday, October 3, 2008


Watch this:

This letter is a summary of how I feel and the way that Democrats have used "deregulation" as a code word for greed.

Did you know that the bailout bill passed by congress and signed by President Bush contains a number of other provisions that have zero relation to banks and mortgages? For example, Sec. 211 contains a section called "TRANSPORTATION FRINGE BENEFIT TO BICYCLE COMMUTERS." What this section does is that it provides a $20 tax credit or subsidy a month to people who ride bikes to work. That $20 can also be used towards a purchase of a bike or to pay for repairs of that bike, provided the bike is used to get to work. Section 503 is a "EXEMPTION FROM EXCISE TAX FOR CERTAIN WOODEN ARROWS DESIGNED FOR USE BY CHILDREN." I can't even explain what this does. Apparently, there's a producer of these products in Oregon, and one of Oregon's representatives or Senators got this tax credit in the bill; but, only all wood arrows, if they are not completely made of wood, you're out of luck. Again, what does this have to do with the banking system? I won't even go into why the renewable energy credits and the plug-in hybrid credits are in this bill.

Yes, I'm mad and disgusted with what has transpired over this week in Congress. That by simply adding more tax credits and government spending programs that that will get Congressmen on board. As Joel Stein, who I might add has been on the button recently, noted:
If I were in Congress, I'd hold out. Every representative who voted no on the bailout got something totally sweet in the bill that passed the Senate. Jim Ramstad (R-Minn.) changed his mind once he got the health insurance for mental illness he's been fighting for. The Senate is trying to bribe Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) with tax breaks for Arizona solar companies. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.), who rides a bicycle, is supposed to be tempted by a tax deduction for bike commuters, as Democrats Adam Schiff of Burbank and Brad Sherman of Sherman Oaks are by tax breaks for movie producers. If they all vote no again, the next version of the bill will include a federally funded movie about a schizophrenic guy who rides his solar-powered bike to work. Which will win 8,000 Oscars.
Any representative who voted against the world's largest economic bailout last week but votes for this bigger, uglier, more dangerous version has been bought. Whether you think this bailout is good or not, the people who changed their minds on such a monumental matter for such flimsy, unrelated reasons do not deserve to be trusted with your vote this November. They deserve to have their office called over and over in increasingly less believable accents. If you can do a crazy guy who rides a solar-powered bike, I'd go with that.

Ok, I've said enough. . .While I thought that this little diatribe would help, it hasn't; my disgust is still there.

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