Monday, October 13, 2008

It's even worse than thought

CNN reports that 5,000 voter registration forms gathered by ACORN in Lake County, Indiana are all under suspicion as the first 2,100 all turn out to be fake.

Transcript available here.

The Indiana Secretary of State is asking for an investigation of this massive attempt at voter fraud and flat out voter registration fraud.

Also, once again, ACORN blames "lazy" employees and election officials, in this case, they blame election officials for not prosecuting previous voter registration fraud so that ACORN "could tell our employees that no, this isn't just a firing offense, but this is an offense that could lead you to jail. Then we could then put that in the ready room where we train people." I can imagine the winking nods going on in ACORN training when going over the legality of voter registration fraud. Perhaps ACORN should be more focused on who it hires, I mean, we already know they've hired felons in Wisconsin, who's to say they haven't done that in other states.

Finally, I will simply point out that Lake County was the home of suspected shenanigans during the Democratic Primary, with the Mayor of Hammond, Indiana, a Hillary supporter, calling out the Mayor of Gary, an Obama supporter, on it.

On the topic of these angry republicans, Glenn Reynolds at Instapundit notes:
So we've had nearly 8 years of lefty assassination fantasies about George W. Bush, and Bill Ayers' bombing campaign is explained away as a consequence of him having just felt so strongly about social justice, but a few people yell things at McCain rallies and suddenly it's a sign that anger is out of control in American politics?

And Michael Barone:

Obama supporters who found the campuses congenial and Obama himself, who has chosen to live all his adult life in university communities, seem to find it entirely natural to suppress speech that they don't like and seem utterly oblivious to claims that this violates the letter and spirit of the First Amendment. In this campaign, we have seen the coming of the Obama thugocracy, suppressing free speech, and we may see its flourishing in the four or eight years ahead.

It looks to me that as much as Republican's are being portrayed by the media, color me shocked (the LA Times almost wistfully pats Republican bloggers on the head telling us, "Bless your hearts, the media is in on it and there's nothing you can do"), all of sudden as angry, it's the Democrats and Obama supporters who are doing the most damage and have shown their true colors: to get their candidate elected, no matter the cost. If Obama gets elected, I fully expect an emboldened left to go out "and get" those who disagree with them, and it won't take 40 pieces of silver to do it.


Pave the Whales said...

Lefty assassination fantasies about George Bush? Do you have any evidence of that? Do you believe it? Or are you just casually linking to the batshit insane now?

And please, do tell - in what way is Obama anti-free speech?

I guess I'm just surprised that your posts lately have seemed so unbalanced.

Pave the Whales said...

Also, just for good measure.

Venerable Bede said...

For the first time in my life, I'm linking to Michelle Malkin. . .whatever you think of the source, I think this link has some pretty good citations-

And it's not Obama who's anti-free-speech, although I have no doubt that he would sign legislation re-introducing the fairness doctrine; rather, it's his supporters. The Malkin link above outlines more than a few instances where Democrats and/or Obama supporters go out of their way to silence, intimidate and harass those who do not cotton to their way of thinking.

Am I getting "unbalanced"? Maybe, but I'm getting sick and tired how the media portrays Republican supporters as being out-of-control when Democrat supporters are time and time again much more violent as they try to silence, intimidate and suppress those who do not do not agree with them, and the media plays along.

There's a reason why some states have taken stronger positions on voter fraud, just as there is a reason why groups like ACORN come out against those restrictions- it hurts their ability to steal elections for their candidates. Voter fraud isn't some cheap political issue, and ACORN and the candidates they support are getting away with it.

Pave the Whales said...

What anti-voter fraud laws has ACORN come out against? And what elections has ACORN stolen?

I'm not saying that there aren't crazy people on the left, or disrespectful people on the left. Of course there are a lot of nutjobs out there. I think the difference is that the people the media has talked about lately are expressing this rage AT OFFICIAL CAMPAIGN RALLIES. And the belief of some is that this is the inevitable result of the otherization of Obama so unsubtly pushed by McCain, Palin and their official spokespeople.

The Barone excerpt you posted does blame Obama. And calls it a "thugocracy," which necessarily implies that it's top down. So if you disagree with that, it's something you might want to mention.

I still haven't seen any examples of free speech being denied.

Also, and I can't believe I even have to say this, it's "Democratic" supporters. Not "Democrat."

Venerable Bede said...

This is what I'm talking about-

Let's not forget that the very beginning of the Michael Barone article notes that Obama himself told the adoring masses that get in people's face and shout them down; that the Obama campaign has a email notification system to get out and flood radio stations that dare put on people who question Dear Leader (WGN radio has been the subject of these attacks twice); that they put an press release threatening radio stations that aired an ad that tied him to Bill Ayers.

That's what I'm talking about.

As for anti-voter fraud rules. . .ACORN is adamantly against voter ID laws, including filing an Amicus with the Supreme Court on the Indiana voter ID case. They have taken advantage of extremely loose voter registration laws in Ohio to flood the state on the final day to register, daring the state to actually review and confirm the vote. It's the equivalent of a DOS attack.