Sunday, October 19, 2008

Only if the little man doesn't make that much money

Ruben Navarette:

With just a few weeks until the election, Obama made a major boo-boo that could cost him the race. What are Democrats and their simpaticos in the media supposed to do? They can’t turn back time. So instead, they turn on Joe the Plumber.

Read more here.

Of course Obama doesn't apologize for saying that redistribution of wealth is a good thing- why should he, that's what's accepted and promoted in his elitist circles. Although, it's again worth noting that those same circles also give far less of their income to charity than other groups. . .that's how we end up with Sarah and Todd Palin giving 8 times as much money to charity than the Biden's, despite making half of what the Biden's make; government is their charity.

Btw, from Andrew Sullivan, we learn that Joe Biden is a tee-totaler. I'm guessing Biden isn't going into the bar with all the other plumbers after work to have their reward for a long day of work- an ice cold beer.

Finally, the media acknowledges their complicity is not researching or writing stories detrimental to Obama's ascendancy to his throne. An exchange between Mark Halperin and Howard Kurtz on CNN:

KURTZ: Mark Halperin, we learned this morning that Barack Obama in the month of September raised $150 million, the early estimates had been about $100 million. They always kind of leak a lower figure so they can exceed it.

If a Republican had not taken public financing and had raised all that money, and the Democrat was struggling financially, wouldn't we see a lot of stories about one candidate essentially trying to buy the election?

HALPERIN: We would. We'd also see a lot of stories about his going back on his word saying that he would accept the public money and would reach out to Senator McCain to try to work out a deal. So I think this is a case of a clear, unambiguous double standard, and any reporter who doesn't ask themselves, why is that, why would it be different if it's a Republican? I think is doing themselves and our profession and our democracy a disservice.
From Instapundit

I suspect most journalists don't care.


Pave the Whales said...

The people you read really can't differentiate between "the Democratic Party" and "random internet lefties." It's kind of shameful.

Venerable Bede said...

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.

Venerable Bede said...

Speaking of being unable to differentiate. . .how about that one angry person at McCain/Palin rallies that supposedly speaks for all McCain/Palin supporters, as reported in such under the radar publications as the New York Times or Washington Post. . .you'd think the whole lot of the crowd was a mob.